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报告题目: Dirichlet Forms and their applications in mathematical physics
报 告 人: 李利平 助理研究员
报告人所在单位: 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院(AMSS, CAS) 德国比勒菲尔德大学(Bielefeld University, Germany)
报告日期: 2021-12-07
报告时间: 14:00-15:00
报告地点: 光华东主楼2201

This talk consists of three parts. The first one is a survey on recent developments on regular Dirichlet subspaces. In the second and third parts, we are concerned with two applications of Dirichlet forms in mathematical physics. At first, we will apply them to study the polymer models. Then the stiff problem concerning certain thermal conduction models will be also explored by virtue of the theory of Dirichlet forms.


本年度学院报告总序号: 343

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