摘要:Let $X=(X_{1},X_{2},/cdots,X_{m})$ be a system of real smooth vector fields defined on a smooth compact manifold $M$ which endowed with a smooth positive measure $/mu$. Assume $X$ satisfies the H/”ormander's condition, then the formally self-adjoint operator $ /triangle_{X}=-/sum_{i=1}^{m}X_{i}^*X_{i}$ is a sub-elliptic operator. Denote $/lambda_{k}$ be the $k$-th eigenvalue for the sub-elliptic operator $/triangle_{X}$ on $M$. We shall give a lower bound of $/lambda_{k}$ and also establish an explicit asymptotic formula of $/lambda_k$ under a certain condition. Actually, this condition is necessary for such asymptotic result to be hold. Thus it can be obviously deduced that our lower bound estimate for $/lambda_{k}$ is optimal in the sense of the order of $k$.
个人简介: 陈化教授,1982年本科毕业于武汉大学数学系(77级),1986年7月获得武汉大学理学博士学位并留校任教。1993年晋升为武大数学系教授,1995年5月被评为武大数学系博士生导师,2004年入选为湖北省科技精英并被聘为首届武汉大学珞珈特聘教授。曾担任武汉大学数学与统计学院院长(2000-2016),中国数学会常务理事(1999-2007,2011-2015),中国工业与应用数学会常务理事(2006-2010);现为武汉大学数学协同创新中心主任,国务院学科数学评议组成员,湖北省暨武汉数学会理事长,湖北省计算科学省重点实验室主任;同时还担任多个国内外SCI杂志的编委。