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报告题目: Lyapunov Exponent and Anderson Localization for Potentials Generated by Hyperbolic Transformations
报 告 人: 张正鹤 副教授
报告人所在单位: University of California, Riverside(美国)
报告日期: 2024-07-15
报告时间: 10:00-11:00
报告地点: 光华东主楼1704

I will introduce some recent work regarding positivity and large deviations of the Lyapunov exponent for Schrodinger operators with potentials generated by hyperbolic dynamics. We show that for certain special classes of potentials, the Lyapunov exponent is positive away from a finite set. Moreover, a uniform large deviation estimate holds true away from an arbitrary small neighborhood of this finite set. With these two results, we obtain a full spectral Anderson localization for the corresponding operators almost surely. This is a joint work with A. Avila and D. Damanik.


本年度学院报告总序号: 1706

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