该计划用于资助有意从事精算方面工作的学生。 成功获得资助后将在加拿大Waterloo大学完成第四年的学业(到时候需要向学校提交同意委派的申请报告)。具体学业(学分)上如何处理,参照我校对去国外交流学生的管理办法。
> Dear all,
> I am contacting you regarding the U of Waterloo 2007 INTERNATIONAL
> VISITING STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM. As you are aware this is the
> second year that the scholarship is in place. The scholarship program
> was initiated by Mr. Fong and we are grateful for his generosity in
> sponsoring the program.
> This year we also welcome a new partner university - Tsinghua University
> in participating the program.
> Kindly recommend up to three candidates for the scholarship. For each
> candidate, please provide the following supporting documents:
> 1) candidate's cover letter
> 2) candidate's official transcript
> 3) candidate's resume
> 4) candidate's proof of English proficiency
> see http://www.findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/elr.htm
> for the requirement for students in Math
> See also the attachment for more information about the scholarship.
> To expedite the whole process, please send me and Mr. Fong (via Fed. Express,
> say) one package which contains all the applicants' information
> by the deadline, which is MARCH 31.
> Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.
> Thank you very much for your participation.
> Regards,
> Ken Seng Tan
> Canada Research Chair in Quantitative Risk Management
> Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
> University of Waterloo
> 200 University Ave. West Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1